Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I do not believe in contractions: True Grit (2010)

True Grit is a modern western in the truest sense, with dialogue completely devoid of contractions and dirty, worn people and places belying the mystique of the era. Brutal violence is laden with the blackest of comedy as only the Coen brothers can, tonally teetering without losing balance.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A road less travelled: Rubber

A refreshingly quirky French film, Rubber explores exploitation and art with a self-referencing film about a killer telekinetic tire. Shot in a startling digital style that affects an intentional homage to the long-lens, short focus look of tilt-shifting, Rubber has a gorgeous palette of desert colors sharply captured.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top (numbered) things i learned at PAX

1. Cleanliness: the sad truth of a gathering of nerds is that sterotypes exist for a reason. More than once I was assailed by a usually young man surrounded by a cloud of stank. This morphs from annoyance to torture when you are herded into a under-ventilated room to steam for hours while waiting for a panel. Wash. Somewhere. Also, brush your teeth or use mouthwash. Mouth rot wafting over a shoulder in line is a gag-inducing experience.
Pro-tip: carry deodorant, travel-size mouthwash or gum, baby-wipes, a spare shirt and socks in a back-pack or duffel. If you can smell you, other people can too.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Unlimited pros and the one con:Surviving 3rd Party ISP support

The last year has seen unprecedented public visibility regarding 3rd party ISP's such as Teksavvy due to the CRTC's UBB hearings. While public outcry was initially misdirected as a cry against retail UBB, something that had been in place for a year, it shone a spotlight on wholesale UBB and the place of 3rd party ISP's.

UBB has been placed on the CRTC's back-burner as the 4 major ISP's (Bell, Rogers, Telus,Shaw) re-allign their retail offerings to mask or incentivise consumers to place less weight on UBB concerns. Teksavvy, my current ISP, continues to offer unlimited or near unlimited data plans for less than the unbundled services offered by Telus or Shaw. As I learned over the last week, this gain comes at a cost and is likely the hurdle that limits 3rd party ISP's customer base to less than 10% of the market.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


We bought a house and now we decorate, NERD STYLE

Monday, May 30, 2011

In a van down by the river: the speaker scam

Nearly 20 years ago I had opportunity to be without employment and tried a vast swath of "career's" that I found in the local want ads. All promised quick paths to big money and in many cases that may well have been true.

All that was required was a complete lack of ethics.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Usage-Based Billing (updated rates)

Shaw has announced an updated pricing and cap schedule. While their page explaining the changes is overly convoluted, confusing and missing vital data, they have upped the ante. However, after "consulting" with their customers they have decided to continue Usage-Based Billing over and above montly recurring charges.