Tuesday, September 16, 2008

experiment notes

The test fire of The PANDERING BEAM went as planned yesterday, though it did not seem to have the desire result, as only about 1 in 2 females were positively affected. The remainder appear to be even more agitated and unwilling to stay in their place (where's my dinner woman! >snicker<)

My long term goal of collapsing the economy, especially in Ontario BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA and the sickening City of Toronto (the good)is going apace. It is working so flawlessly I don't even have to pay attention any more :)

InEffectual Man is being crushed under the weight of his own pomposity, which is good, now I don't have use the Dark Matter Inducer on him, he is destroying himself.

Lady Change seems unable to muster the League of Tree Huggers nationally, which is no surprise because most of them are stoned, fricking hippies GET A JOB BWAHAHAHAHAH_cough hack sputter AHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

The ANTI-GM bomb is almost ready........

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